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Judging Process & Criteria


All entries are judged by members of the Collision Award Jury. 

All work will be assessed via the lens of specific criteria that places creativity and execution at its core. A key mission of the Collision Awards is to provide an equal playing field for all forms of work from across production companies, studios, individuals, small and big teams and all levels of budget. To that end, there may be multiple winners per category as each piece of work will be reviewed against its own execution and standard of excellence, as opposed to being judged against others. Judges score entries on a performance scale and winning entries are recognized and awarded Gold, Silver based on the combined scoring of the judges who evaluate each entry. All decisions of judges are final. Reminder: all work must be either in, or subtitled, in the English Language.


Marketing & Communications








Marketing & Communications


Concept & Quality of Message

Is the story or concept unique? Is the storytelling or concept, and does it hold your attention? Is its approach original? Does the messaging resonate? Determining the quality of concept considers all the elements that go into the creative process and how successfully the original idea is communicated.

The quality of the content’s message is measured by how well the content’s story or idea is presented, as well as how well the piece can hold the audience’s attention. High scoring content will consist of a well planned through line and cohesive elements that contribute to the overall presentation of the work. Furthermore, content will exemplify originality and creativity within its context. Judges will consider the strength of the concept and message being evaluated respective to the category entered.

Production, Execution & Quality of Craft

Production & Execution is judged on the overall Production Value of the animation and motion design entered. Does it demonstrate extraordinary production values and excellence in terms of its overall execution and quality of craft?  Elements to be considered include quality of the character design and animation, art direction, lighting, editing, sound design and all the aspects that go into crafting the final piece and create a memorable viewing experience (these are not to be weighed against one another, rather viewed as parts of a whole). Within specific Craft categories, (editing, sound design, character animation, lighting etc) the pieces will be scored on those crafts alone within their craft category and given more weight.

Overall Experience 

Overall Experience is centered on the overall impact of the piece and how well it fits within its entered category. Work scored highly within this criteria will bring innovation and enthusiasm to its category, as well as a positive viewing experience. Judges will consider how the piece was executed and realized by its creators. 

An animation can be more, or less, than the sum of its parts. Was it impactful? Was the tone and medium appropriate for the story or concept? Do the production values seamlessly enhance your viewing experience? The overall experience encompasses Concept & Quality of Message and Production & Execution as well as the intangibles that provoke a viewer response. 




Concept & Quality of Message

Is the story or concept unique? Is the storytelling or narrative coherent, and does it hold your attention? Is its approach and story original? Does the story resonate? Determining the quality of concept & story considers all the elements that go into the creative process and how successfully the original idea is communicated.

The quality of the content’s message is measured by how well the content’s story or idea is presented, as well as how well the piece can hold the audience’s attention. High scoring content will consist of a well planned through line and cohesive elements that contribute to the overall presentation of the work. Furthermore, content will exemplify originality and creativity within its context. Judges will consider the strength of the concept and message being evaluated respective to the category entered.


Production, Execution & Quality of Craft

Production & Execution is judged on the overall Production Value of the animation and motion design entered. Does it demonstrate extraordinary production values and excellence in terms of its overall execution and quality of craft?  Elements to be considered include quality of the character design and animation, art direction, lighting, editing, sound design and all the aspects that go into crafting the final piece and create a memorable viewing experience (these are not to be weighed against one another, rather viewed as parts of a whole). Within specific Craft categories, (editing, sound design, character animation, lighting etc) the pieces will be scored on those crafts alone within their craft category and given more weight.

Overall Experience 

Overall Experience is centered on the overall impact of the piece and how well it fits within its entered category. Work scored highly within this criteria will bring innovation and enthusiasm to its category, as well as a positive viewing experience. Judges will consider how the piece was executed and realized by its creators. 

An animation can be more, or less, than the sum of its parts. Was it impactful? Was the tone and medium appropriate for the story or concept? Do the production values seamlessly enhance your viewing experience? The overall experience encompasses Concept & Quality of Message and Production & Execution as well as the intangibles that provoke a viewer response. 


Concept & Quality of Message

Is the story or concept unique? Is the storytelling or narrative coherent, and does it hold your attention? Is its approach and story original? Does the story resonate? Determining the quality of concept & story considers all the elements that go into the creative process and how successfully the original idea is communicated.

The quality of the content’s message is measured by how well the content’s story or idea is presented, as well as how well the piece can hold the audience’s attention. High scoring content will consist of a well planned through line and cohesive elements that contribute to the overall presentation of the work. Furthermore, content will exemplify originality and creativity within its context. Judges will consider the strength of the concept and message being evaluated respective to the category entered.


Production, Execution & Quality of Craft

Production & Execution is judged on the overall Production Value of the animation and motion design entered. Does it demonstrate extraordinary production values and excellence in terms of its overall execution and quality of craft?  Elements to be considered include quality of the character design and animation, art direction, lighting, editing, sound design and all the aspects that go into crafting the final piece and create a memorable viewing experience (these are not to be weighed against one another, rather viewed as parts of a whole). Within specific Craft categories, (editing, sound design, character animation, lighting etc) the pieces will be scored on those crafts alone within their craft category and given more weight.


Overall Experience 

Overall Experience is centered on the overall impact of the piece and how well it fits within its entered category. Work scored highly within this criteria will bring innovation and enthusiasm to its category, as well as a positive viewing experience. Judges will consider how the piece was executed and realized by its creators. 

An animation can be more, or less, than the sum of its parts. Was it impactful? Was the tone and medium appropriate for the story or concept? Do the production values seamlessly enhance your viewing experience? The overall experience encompasses Concept & Quality of Message and Production & Execution as well as the intangibles that provoke a viewer response. 



Concept & Quality of Message

Is the story or concept unique? Is the storytelling or narrative coherent, and does it hold your attention? Is its approach and story original? Does the story resonate? Determining the quality of concept & story considers all the elements that go into the creative process and how successfully the original idea is communicated.

The quality of the content’s message is measured by how well the content’s story or idea is presented, as well as how well the piece can hold the audience’s attention. High scoring content will consist of a well planned through line and cohesive elements that contribute to the overall presentation of the work. Furthermore, content will exemplify originality and creativity within its context. Judges will consider the strength of the concept and message being evaluated respective to the category entered.

Production, Execution & Quality of Craft

Production & Execution is judged on the overall Production Value of the animation and motion design entered. Does it demonstrate extraordinary production values and excellence in terms of its overall execution and quality of craft?  Elements to be considered include quality of the character design and animation, art direction, lighting, editing, sound design and all the aspects that go into crafting the final piece and create a memorable viewing experience (these are not to be weighed against one another, rather viewed as parts of a whole). Within specific Craft categories, (editing, sound design, character animation, lighting etc) the pieces will be scored on those crafts alone within their craft category and given more weight.

Overall Experience 

Overall Experience is centered on the overall impact of the piece and how well it fits within its entered category. Work scored highly within this criteria will bring innovation and enthusiasm to its category, as well as a positive viewing experience. Judges will consider how the piece was executed and realized by its creators. 

An animation can be more, or less, than the sum of its parts. Was it impactful? Was the tone and medium appropriate for the story or concept? Do the production values seamlessly enhance your viewing experience? The overall experience encompasses Concept & Quality of Message and Production & Execution as well as the intangibles that provoke a viewer response. 


Concept & Quality of Message

Is the story or concept unique? Is the storytelling or narrative coherent, and does it hold your attention? Is its approach and concept original and feel aligned to the setting for which it was created? Does the story resonate? Determining the quality of concept & story considers all the elements that go into the creative process and how successfully the original idea is communicated.

The quality of the content’s message is measured by how well the content’s story or idea is presented, as well as how well the piece can hold the audience’s attention. High scoring content will consist of a well planned through line and cohesive elements that contribute to the overall presentation of the work. Furthermore, content will exemplify originality and creativity within its context. Judges will consider the strength of the concept and message being evaluated respective to the category entered.

Production, Execution & Quality of Craft

Production & Execution is judged on the overall Production Value of the animation and motion design entered. Does it demonstrate extraordinary production values and excellence in terms of its overall execution and quality of craft?  Elements to be considered include quality of the character design and animation, art direction, lighting, editing, sound design and all the aspects that go into crafting the final piece and create a memorable viewing experience (these are not to be weighed against one another, rather viewed as parts of a whole). Within specific Craft categories, (editing, sound design, character animation, lighting etc) the pieces will be scored on those crafts alone within their craft category and given more weight.

Overall Experience 

Overall Experience is centered on the overall impact of the piece and how well it fits within its entered category. Work scored highly within this criteria will bring innovation and enthusiasm to its category, as well as a positive viewing experience. Judges will consider how the piece was executed and realized by its creators. 

An animation can be more, or less, than the sum of its parts. Was it impactful? Was the tone and medium appropriate for the story or concept? Do the production values seamlessly enhance your viewing experience? The overall experience encompasses Concept & Quality of Message and Production & Execution as well as the intangibles that provoke a viewer response. 


Concept & Quality of Message

Is the narrative or concept unique? Is the storytelling or narrative coherent, and does it hold your attention as a player? Is its approach and story original? Does the story resonate? Determining the quality of concept & story considers all the elements that go into the creative process and how successfully the original idea is communicated.

The quality of the content’s message is measured by how well the content’s story or idea is presented, as well as how well the piece can hold the audience’s attention. High scoring games will consist of a well planned through line and cohesive elements that contribute to the gameplay. Furthermore, the animation will exemplify originality and creativity within its context. Judges will consider the strength of the concept and message being evaluated respective to the category entered.


Production, Execution & Quality of Craft

Production & Execution is judged on the overall Production Value of the animation and motion design entered. Does it demonstrate extraordinary production values and excellence in terms of its overall execution and quality of craft? Does the animation lend itself to seamless gameplay? What is the quality of the style, style, fluidity and responsiveness of the characters. Elements to be considered include quality of the character design and animation, art direction, lighting, editing, sound design and all the aspects that go into crafting the final game and create a memorable playing experience (these are not to be weighed against one another, rather viewed as parts of a whole). Within specific Craft categories, (editing, sound design, character animation, lighting etc) the pieces will be scored on those crafts alone within their craft category and given more weight.


Overall Experience 

Overall Experience is centered on the overall impact of the game and how well it fits within its entered category. Work scored highly within this criteria will bring innovation, originality and enthusiasm to its category, as well as a positive playing experience. Judges will consider how the piece was executed and realized by its creators. 

An animation can be more, or less, than the sum of its parts. Was it impactful? Was the tone and medium appropriate for the story or concept? Do the production values seamlessly enhance your player experience? The overall experience encompasses Concept & Quality of Message and Production & Execution as well as the intangibles that provoke a player response. 



Concept & Quality of Message

Is the story or concept unique? Is the storytelling or narrative coherent, and does it hold your attention? Is its approach and story original and align well to an XR environment? Does the story resonate? Determining the quality of concept & story considers all the elements that go into the creative process and how successfully the original idea is communicated.

The quality of the content’s message is measured by how well the content’s story or idea is presented, as well as how well the piece can hold the audience’s attention. High scoring content will consist of a well planned through line and cohesive elements that contribute to the overall presentation of the work. Furthermore, content will exemplify originality and creativity within its context. Judges will consider the strength of the concept and message being evaluated respective to the category entered.


Production, Execution & Quality of Craft

Production & Execution is judged on the overall Production Value of the animation and motion design entered. Does it demonstrate extraordinary production values and excellence in terms of its overall execution and quality of craft? Is the animation executed well in relation to the immersive or interactive environment it was created for? Does the execution feel innovative for the field? Elements to be considered include quality of the character design and animation, art direction, lighting, editing, sound design and all the aspects that go into crafting the final piece and create a memorable viewing experience (these are not to be weighed against one another, rather viewed as parts of a whole). Within specific Craft categories, (editing, sound design, character animation, lighting etc) the pieces will be scored on those crafts alone within their craft category and given more weight.


Overall Experience 

Overall Experience is centered on the overall impact of the piece and how well it fits within its entered category. Work scored highly within this criteria will bring innovation and enthusiasm to its category, as well as a positive viewing experience. Judges will consider how the piece was executed and realized by its creators. 

An animation can be more, or less, than the sum of its parts. Was it impactful? Was the tone and medium appropriate for the story or concept? Do the production values seamlessly enhance your viewing experience? The overall experience encompasses Concept & Quality of Message and Production & Execution as well as the intangibles that provoke a viewer response. 


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